How would you look if you loose weight? Needless to say that you would look more beautiful, smart and confident than before. Being overweight, most of us do not upload real image on social networking sites like MySpace, Facebook, Orkut and many more. But you can shed out weight in your digital photo in such a way that you look much slim and thin beyond your imagination. The best part is that you need not to hire any photoshop expert to modify your digital photo anymore. WeightMirror is an instant weight-loss (or gain) tool with which you can magically alter your digital image instantly.

How to Look Slim in photographs
Step-01 – Login to WeightMirror and upload your photo.
Step-02 – Set the Weight and Height Specification on top left. This will alter the ‘weight loss/gain selector’ accordingly. The scale will also reflect the BMI and would suggest if you are overweight.
Step-03 – You will notice a square tool on the image. Drag it and select the body part you wish to shed out weight from.
Step-04 – Now drag the weight loss/gain selecter to the desired weight loss (gain) level.
Step-05 – Within seconds the tool will alter your image and will display modified image with lost (or gained) weight.

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